This week Coach Al beings you a workout that comes from Coach Brannen at Training Think Tank. If you’re looking to push yourself and just happen to love thrusters, this workout is perfect for you. Try it out and let us know how it goes in the comments!

workout of the week


3 Rounds For Time: 
21 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches {#50/35) 
14 Burpees Over Dumbbells 
7 Thrusters (#135/95)
10 minute time cap


This workout is a little aggressive on the time cap. That being said, we are looking to move well and move fast, each movement is basically an EMOM to finish right around that 9 minute mark. If you are good at thrusters but not so good at burpees, you can get away with more time on burpees and less time on thrusters for all those thruster lovers out there! Weirdos.

The standards are pretty straightforward here. Make sure the dumbbell snatch doesn’t get out of control, when you finish your rep, the bicep should be close to the ear. The thrusters can start with a squat clean, the focus on this movement is making sure your head gets through the arms at the top of the rep.

Note on Up-Down scale down: this movement is simply jumping into a push-up plank, stand back up and jump over the dumbbell. If you’re not jumping over the dumbbell, the rep is finished when you stand back up, no jumping required. 

For the DB Snatches, do hang snatches or lower the dumbbell weight
For the Burpees, perform Up-Downs over dumbbells, Regular Burpees, or Up-Downs without jumping over the dumbbells
For the thrusters, lower the thruster weight or do dumbbell thrusters 

Got a workout for us? Submit it here!

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