Workout of the Week - 10.21.19. "CrossFit EO"


Another one at CrossFit EO! Yet another warm welcome from the coaches, such rockstars!

We dropped in again on our recent Budapest to Oktoberfest trip while we were in Munich and we cannot wait to go back! They have a great facility with an incredible coaching staff and were beyond welcoming to our squad. Next time you’re in Munich, stop by CrossFit EO!

crossfit eo munich germany fitness tours workout of the week


10 minutes to find a tough 1 rep Power Snatch

Directly into:

Every 30 Seconds for 6 Minutes:

1 Power Snatch


In Teams of 2, AMRAP 16:

30 Pull-Ups

40 Med Ball Sit Ups

50 Wall Balls

60 Power Cleans (135/95)

50 Wall Balls

40 Med Ball Bear Hug Lunges 

30 Push-Ups

Coach’s Notes

Today we got some good ole’ snatching! The goal today is to work up to a tough moderate-heavy 1 rep power snatch that we are then going to carry into every 30 seconds for 6 minutes. If you end up doing a weight that might not be manageable for those 6 minutes, let’s take it down a notch so we can finish it strong and then head into our partner workout feeling real good! 

The standard for the med ball sit-ups is pressing the ball overhead as we arrive at the top of the sit-up finishing with head through the arms. Getting to squat depth with each rep is going to be the focus on wall balls. What do we say to the God of Quarter Squats? Not today! Singles or small sets on the power cleans is the way to go! Last but not least, the push-ups should not be “snaked”, keep those quads off the floor at the bottom of the rep and make sure that the chest touches the ground.

The goal for any team attacking this is about a round and a half so let’s make sure we scale appropriately, check out the options below!

Scale Downs

Pull-ups: Jumping Pull-ups, Ring rows

Med Ball Sit-ups: Lighter Wall ball, Bear hug, Bodyweight Sit-ups

Wall Balls: Lower target, Lighter Wall ball, Wallball thrusters

Med Ball Lunges: Bodyweight Lunges

Push-Ups: Elevated Push-ups, Knee Push-ups