#WorkoutoftheWeek 9.9.2019 - "Fish Out Of Water"

An obstacle is often a stepping stone.
— Prescott
Follow @cflodo here on IG

Follow @cflodo here on IG

Welcome back to our #WorkoutoftheWeek posts. Where we try and share a new workout every week for the benefit of the VRX community. Whether you are open to new programming, want something different, or want to see what WE are doing on our trips, drop-ins, or daily life, come and check these posts out and submit your own workouts.

We’re always giving boxes a shoutout on our social media and on the blog here, so submit some of your coaches favorite programming to us when you want! Just email us at: staff@voyedgerx.com

This week, I tackled a workout from my box at CrossFit LoDo here in Denver. It was a brutal one, but something I really enjoyed, as it was in my wheelhouse (god, I love chippers). Let’s get to the programming here.


Credit: CompTrain Programming

Performed at CF LoDo

For Time:

2K Row

Directly into 10 rounds of:

3 Power Cleans (155/105)

6 Push-ups

9 Air Squats

Recap: I actually ran on this workout since all of the rowers were taken and I was not going to use the Assault Bike (hard pass) so I ended up doing a 1-mile run as a sub (7:37 woohoo!) and I felt that was an unfair advantage. The rower and assault bike will kill your legs on a 2k so going into the power cleans, push-ups and air squats I felt pretty loose! If you are doing the rower on this workout, watch out, as your forearm grip will go pretty quick over the 7-8+ minutes you are on the rower. Better to pace it so you can tackle the 30 power cleans, 60 push-ups, and 90 air squats afterwards. All in all, I think I finished in 14:34? Either way, focus on the quality of your movements and don’t worry about the clock. Better to move well, than be the first to claim a false victory.

Strategy: Tough call here, go fast on the row or save it for the 10-rounds after the fact? Completely up to you how you want to tackle that, but I’d aim for a steady 80-85% on the row and recover as best you can. The real question is to do singles on the power cleans or power through with triples….up to you with the 155 lbs. but that’s something you need to think about scaling if that is above 75% of your max power clean. 135/95# or 95/65#’s would be smart to go for there.

Scaling: Think about scaling the row if 2k is a lot for you, as well as the number of rounds, and weight on the power cleans. For the push-ups, you can do knee or box push-ups, but the air squats should be the same number of reps (9) throughout the whole workout.

Overall: A fun, sweat workout. Grind it out for 15-20+ minutes and start your day off with a bang! Sometimes it’s just good to move through a chipper like that, and keep your time for future reference so you know when and where to push.

Good luck and have a great week!

~ Cam

Submit a future #WorkoutoftheWeek to us at: staff@voyedgerx.com

Visit CrossFit LoDo in Denver, CO at: http://crossfitlodo.com/

Visit CrossFit LoDo in Denver, CO at: http://crossfitlodo.com/

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