Workout of the Week - 9.23.2019 - Reebok CrossFit 5th Ave

It is never too late to get your shit together.
— Unknown

Welcome back to our Workout of the Week series. This week, I’m sharing a workout from a drop-in I recently did at Reebok CrossFit 5th Ave in New York City. They brand themelves as NYC’s premiere CrossFit facility, and it did not disappoint!

They are also much more than just a CrossFit gym, and do have some incredible facilities as well as HIIT, yoga classes and more. The drop-in cost was $35 per class, though, but I do believe you get what you pay for (especially in NYC!). There is also a Reebok store directly above the gym, so that’s always a plus, too!

Anyways, let’s get to the workout and break it down from there. Follow them @crossfitfifthave on IG

#WorkoutoftheWeek - 9.23.2019

WOD Credit: Reebok CrossFit Fifth Ave

4 Rounds for time starting every 6 minutes of:

12/10 cal row

8 CTB pull-ups

8 box jump overs

16 KB swings = 70/53 lbs.

8 box jump overs


12/10 cal bike

Rest when you finish the round

A look at the facilities inside Reebok CrossFit 5th Ave

A look at the facilities inside Reebok CrossFit 5th Ave

Recap: I really liked this workout. It was tough with just enough rest and was an exhausting leap into each of the movements. Beyond that, the facilities at 5th ave were super nice. Everything was very clean, spaced out well, and it was located in the basement so you can drop a barbell, which is rare to find in a city like NYC because everything is stacked on top of each other.

As it is, the coaches, staff and other athletes were very welcoming, the warm-ups and friendliness of everyone in the facility was top-knotch and I got a really good workout in with this one. I had about 1-minute to 1:30 left to catch my each round, which was just enough to recuperate and attack the next round while trying to go unbroken through each of the movements, which was the goal here!

Strategy: It’s tough to try and put together a strategy for the workout, but the coach at 5th Ave mentioned going for the same pace every round, if not faster. There were some athletes finishing with 2 to 2.5 minutes to rest at the very beginning but slowed down over time, and I attacked the workout with the coaches suggestion in mind. I think my last round was the slowest of all four of them, but my second and third round were the two fastest.

Tough to say, but I went and grabbed a 70 kb and wanted to go unbroken through all of the movements, which became very tough over time. Especially having to use all of your legs, core and arm strength on the myriad of movements. I mean, bike row, pull-ups, kb swings, box jump overs and TTB? Phew….that’s all the muscle groups for one WOD. Best strategy I could come up with was find your pace and stick to it, doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing, just find your lane and stick to it!

Aim for the rest on the box jump overs, but attack everything else with purpose and to go unbroken.

Scaling: Plenty of scaling options here.

  • For rowing, keep the cals for men at 12, but for ladies, do 10 cals (or less, if you are feeling it)

  • For pull-ups, you can do regular kipping pull-ups (8) or do banded pull-ups with one foot in the band (also 8 reps)

  • For box jump overs, keep it the same but you can do box step-overs at 8 reps also

  • For KB swings, grab a KB that suits your size and do the same (or close to) number of reps. If you are dealing with a shoulder injury, keep it to Russian KB swings but also aim for 16 reps

  • For TTB, you can scale by doing 8 ab-mat sit-ups, or 8 v-ups

  • For the calorie bike, men should stick to 12 and ladies should stick to 10 calories total for the round. Scale it down to 10/8 if you are injured or time is short on every round.

Overall: Really fun workout here from Reebok CrossFit 5th Ave! You can tell they put a ton of effort into their programming and care about their community, facility and drop-ins. There is no shortage of CF gyms in New York, but this one I can definitely see myself being a member at if I lived in NY.

If you want to see more of their programming, you can check ‘em out here, but I’d highly suggest dropping in here next time you are in the city. Pretty close to Penn Station and Times Square, as well, so definitely add it tot he list of places you need to go and check out if you’re a CF’er on the go!

Highly recommend it, and if you’ve been here, let us know what you think down in the comment section!

~ Cam


Contact info below:


420 5th Ave, Subcellar,

New York, NY, 10018

(646) 484-5984

Check out our daily WOD schedule. For specific programming for each class, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


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