Travel Workout #75

Worry is a misuse of imagination
— Dan Zadra

Travel workouts are great because you can do them anywhere, anytime. There is never an excuse not to workout. Stop saying you don’t have time, the equipment or motivation to do so. You always do, sometimes it is just a conscious choice. Exercise is a way of life and has lasting benefits for your mental and physical health. Pick it up and get after it. No more excuses. Not now, not ever.

You don’t have to be a fitness pro - just do what you can, start small, and eventually, it will snowball into a mountain of elite athleticism.

Let’s get to workout #75 here.

Travel WOD #75

6 RFT (rounds for time)

10 push-ups

30 Mountain Climbers

30 Air Squats

Score: Time finished

Good core and leg workout here. 60 push-ups, 180 mountain climbers, and 180 air squats. Should take about 15 minutes and give your whole body the workout it needs. Best part? No equipment is needed, just a little bit of oomph and the will to get started. That’s always the hardest part, isn’t it?

Stop reading this blog and go do this workout. Don’t sacrifice the quality of the movements, either. Click the movements above for the YouTube links for each movement demo, too.

Submit another travel workout to us at or read below for more travel workouts you can do anywhere.

More Travel WOD’s