Here at VoyEdge RX, our team loves to create incredible adventure for you. If you’ve been on a trip with us you know that we also love to come together to discuss some VERY important topics. If you haven’t met the whole team, this is a great opportunity to get to know us a little better.

Take a look below as our team talks about some of life’s burning questions.

Don’t worry, this is part 1 of many as this got us FIRED UP!

What is your favorite room in your house/apartment?

  • Tony: Closet. I cry a lot. Fun fact, I blew my first bubble (with gum) while in the bathroom when I was like 15. That was a very proud moment for me. What was the question?


    2. Tony: Oh right. Kitchen. 

    3. Jack: Thanks for clarifying which bubble… we know too many to keep track of.

  • Jess: Does my lawn count? We lovingly call our house the jungle because there’s a lot of dense, tropical vegetation (banana trees!) and it feels fun to have my half-feral cat roaming around like it really is in the wild.

    1. Tony: Don’t call Berto a feral cat. He’s a man!

  • Kevin: My Lego room, because everyone still has a Lego room still. Right? Right??

  • Al: Living Room because I’m an active couch potato who loves his couch

  • Sasha: Wherever Penny is.

    1. Tony: PENICILLIN!!!

  • Aimee: Living room! I love my couch!!

  • Marc: I love our kitchen because our last kitchen was the size of a cashew nut. In this kitchen, I can, and often do, lay spread eagle on the floor and still have tons of space!

  • Jack: That little bit of room that beer constantly occupies in the fridge… good for the mind and soul. And of course the cawfee time studio on the Forever House porch.



What is your Favorite beer or cocktail?

  • Tony: Anything dark and aged in a barrel. Any beer in Munich. Wine or whiskey (with one ice cube) when I’m spoiling myself. 

    1. Sash: With one of those fancy-ass globe ice cubes?!?!?

    2. Tony: You think I’m made of money?

    3. Jess: Ugh be a man and drink your whiskey neat plz

    4. Sash: GET HIM, JESS!

    5. Jess: Also, wine with one ice cube too? I can get behind that.

    6. Sash: Agreed

    7. Tony: Jess, I know. I got nothing. It does depend on the whiskey. As far as the cube in wine, no.

  • Jess: Garrison Brothers Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey. NEAT, TONY.

  • Kevin: I’m still not 21 yet, you guys didn’t know? Stout though!

  • Al: Radler, are there supposed to be other types of beer out there? Also, Dark and stormy because I’m an extremist. However, most people don’t know how to make this because they are not cultured so I settle for a Moscow mule these days.

    1. Sash: Seriously, how many times have we asked for these and people are like huh? There’s gonna be a storm tonight? What? FOOLS!

    2. Al: It’s fucking absurd, educate yourself or hire a real bartender AND NO GINGER ALE IS NOT OKAY!

    3. Sash: This country needs education in ginger beer.

    4. Al: This country needs education… period

  • Sasha: Beers, I like German wheat beers. As it gets warmer out, I’m all about the Shandy and Radler life. Cocktails, get me a good Moscow Mule or Mojito and I’m a happy camper. If I’m feeling fancy (or if there’s an open bar) I go for a dirty martini. Yup… Dang it now I want a drink.

  • Aimee: Does water count?

  • Marc: Although I don’t indulge in alcoholic endeavors, I was once at a resort and they made me a non-alcoholic drink called paradise on the beach. It was aight, but it came in a pineapple so I felt special. Nobody else had a pineapple and I got a lot of compliments on my pineapple. Jealous? Should be.

    1. Tony: You definitely are special Marc!

  • Jack: IPA all day… have y’all heard of Blue Point Brewery? I probably should post it on my story more often. Call me the Easter bunny because I like my beers hoppy *crickets*

    1. Sash: This is why you’re husband material

    2. Kevin: Jack, I would like a customized care package please


what is your Favorite unhealthy snack food? (we have to spoil ourselves sometimes!)

  • Tony: Cheese. Fistfuls of shredded cheese. Truffle cheese is also one of the best things on this planet. 

    1. Al: “Fistful”? There’s a word to remember. Ah memories.

    2. Jack: Cheese always tastes better by the handful in your boxers in front of an open fridge at 3am trying to avoid the goblins in the dark.

  • Jess: I will eat as many sour gummy worms as you put in front of me. It’s a problem. 

  • Kevin: Ben & Jerry’s, Al has the right idea!!

  • Al: Ben & Jerry’s new Cannoli flavor, fucking delicious

    1. Sash: I BEG YOUR PARDON?!?!?! COMING OVER. Wait.. no. I will, though. 

    2. Al: Social distancing, I’ll throw the cannoli bits from 6 ft. It’s doable!

    3. Jess: I’m assuming y’all have never had Blue Bell. #controversial

    4. Al: I saw that on your story the other day but honestly, my chunky body can’t afford the calories right now so unfortunate :(

    5. Jess: You’re just a fit gummy bear, not chonky!

    6. Al: When you’re in quarantine, it’s hard to tell who you are anymore! *SOBS*

  • Sasha: Just… sugar. In all forms. 

  • Aimee: CANDY.


  • Jack: Lay’s Sour Cream and Onion



Zombie movies? Yay or Nay? Favorite?

  • Tony: I guess they are ok. Favorite? Because I just watched it, ‘Train to Busan’ was decent. #straightouttasouthkorea

  • Jess: I literally can’t even think of a zombie movie right now.

    1. Al: Lmao Jess, girl, same

  • Kevin: So/So, but does Contagion count? Had to watch Toy Story 3 after. Also destroyed me

  • Al: Meh, the last zombie movie I can remember watching is I am Legend or 28 weeks later? I don’t know.

  • Sasha: NO. Only because it feels like we’re in one. Too fresh? Besides that, they are okay. My pick would be Shaun of the Dead. Who doesn’t like British people being super British with zombies around? 

    1. Tony: ‘Ello!

    2. Al: Shall we go to the pub and wait til this all blows over?

    3. Sash: Yes, please.

    4. Tony: Can’t. They closed. 


  • Aimee: I only watch the ridiculous ones. Zombieland, duh.

    1. Tony: I am ashamed that I forgot about Zombieland

    2. Al: Damn it, that counts??? I legit was only thinking of the scary ones

    3. Kevin: Zombieland 2 was a letdown

  • Marc: I’m not overly fond, but Zombieland for sure would be my favorite of the variety.

  • Jack: Dawn of the Dead remake… love me some Ving Rhames and a then undiscovered Phil Dunphy. (side note… I prefer my zombies to be dead not infected and superhuman).


What’s your favorite comfort food from around the world?

  • Tony: I would say a Czech or German pork knuckle. It is my go-to. And those chocolate croissants. They do them right in Europe. 

  • Jess: Does wine count?

    1. Tony: Absolutely

    2. Al: duh

  • Kevin: Gelato all DAY

    1. Tony: I have only had gelato 5ish times in my life.

    2. Al: Yet another huge fault I am now discovering

    3. Jess: Didn’t you live in Italy for like, all of your formative years?

  • Al: Chocolate motherfuckin’ croissants, now I’m crying, SOMEONE GIVE ME ONE

  • Sasha: I’m with Al on this one!

  • Aimee: All of the bread.

    1. Kevin: Yes.

  • Marc: Ice cream/gelato. It’s so good, so soothing, so tasty, so freeing, so delightful, so comforting, so wonderful, so liberating, so cold.

  • Jack: BEER (just a little something to take the edge off)



What’s the one thing that has kept you sane during this weird time?

  • Tony: Who says I have been staying sane? I and the team have been getting a lot of work done, doing at-home workouts, and being able to take a little more time and make some new things for supper. Also, all the stuff Sasha said.

  • Jess: Getting outside has been great. I went to the Galveston Island State Park (who knew that was a thing) and looked at some birds for a while, got the bikes tuned up, walked the newf… it’s nice to live in a warm, sunny place!

  • Kevin: *see question 1*

  • Al: That’s my secret, I was never sane in the first place. But seriously, I was always pretty much a loner even if I didn’t want to be. I was surrounded by people that paid to be trained by me or family (which doesn’t go far) or just people that were negative so I’m kind of doing better off during these times, fucking weird I know. Oh wow, this came out darker than I thought, my bad. Going outside has been nice. 

    1. Sash: Do you need a virtual hug? 

    2. Al: I think I need 2 virtual hugs

    3. Jess: Until hugs are possible, I’m shootin you my BEST finger guns!


  • Sasha: Honestly, staying connected to people. More calls, messages, communication not only with my friends and family but with people I haven’t spoken to in a while. It’s a really great (and important) time to stay connected. Also, alcohol. And snacks. Lots of them.

    1. Jess: THHNACKS!

    2. Sash: ALL OF THEM!

  • Aimee: Our gym lent out equipment, so my new little garage “gym” has kept me somewhat sane!

    1. Jess: SAME! Never thought I’d get so much enjoyment out of a 35# dumbbell and a PVC pipe but here we are. 

  • Marc: Unfortunately I lost my sanity weeks ago. I have completely reverted to college Marc, wearing one pair of sweatpants for days (nay, weeks?) at a  time, eating all the things, staying up past midnight playing video games, and watching all kinds of tv from the couch. This is a far cry from waking up at 4:30am every day, gym, work, dog park, dinner, sleep. Someone save me.

  • Jack: The eternal beauty of the song “Shallow” from the acclaimed motion picture “A Star is Born”

    1. Tony: My man! I will never forget flying to Athens with you by side. Tears cascading down my face while watching this for the first time. 



Which 2021 trip are you most excited about? Why?

  • Tony: Vietnam!!!! This is a totally different trip than anything we have done before and the adventure factor is ramped up to 11 on this puppy! 

  • Jess: Norway! Gimme gimme gimme

  • Kevin: Azores will always have a special place in my heart

  • Sasha: I can’t wait to see the new Africa trip. 4 weeks there last year was amazing and the changes we made are going to make it even more epic. 

  • Aimee: The new and improved Africa trip.

  • Marc: Our African adventure is unreal. Three countries, so many different ecosystems, so much wild.

  • Jack: Africa sounds delightful. Never been but hear the rains are legendary and not to be missed.

    1. Tony: Get out.

    2. Sash: Wow, it's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you 



Who’s your favorite marvel character? No, Batman is not Marvel.

  • Tony: Al, Marc, and some others are going to just lay into me for this one, but I have no idea what characters are Marvel or…..whatever the other thing it. Big Eeyore guy though. And Spongebob. 

    1. Sash: That Spongebob movie where he saves humanity was EPIC.

    2. Al: I still love you despite this huge fault of yours.

    3. Aimee: Oh my. This makes me sad. Although I love Spongebob.

  • Jess: I pretty much just watch The Office, murder/cult documentaries and a bunch of trash TV. I couldn’t name a Marvel thing if I wanted to. 

    1. Al: If you weren’t a nurse, I’d have so many things to insult you but…. No, you’re beautiful and I’m sorry you don’t know Marvel.

    2. Jess: Somehow, my degree gets me a lot of passes on social norms. I can be like sorry I fell asleep during Captain America, I WAS BUSY KEEPING A CRITICALLY BURNED HUMAN ALIVE FOR 12 HOURS STRAIGHT (not even sure if that’s marvel but it’s true, I passed tf out)

    3. Al: It is Marvel, you’re doing great sweetie. Also, yes it gives you a pass on everything. Feel free to kill anyone or anything you’d like, free pass! 

  • Kevin: Spidey, all day

  • Al: *Sigh* There’s so many to pick from… I’d have to go with Iron Man, it’d be pretty fucking cool to still be human and fly around in a suit of armor!

  • Sasha: Don’t judge me, I Googled Marvel characters so that you wouldn’t yell at me if I said someone from the wrong universe. I also haven’t seen 90% of these movies soooooo I’ll go Deadpool. That dude is hilarious. 

    1. Al: I’m so proud of you

    2. Kevin: Solid answer though

  • Aimee: Thor

  • Marc: I mean, the godfather of it all is Iron Man. How can I not say Iron Man? Respect the king.

  • Jack: John F. Kennedy

    1. Al: Please exit the group before I do it for you, unbelievable! Disgraceful!

    2. Jess: OMG this.



What movie were you really hyped about but, like anyone else during a 1 nightstand, were very disappointed in?

  • Tony: Myself? Oh movie, ok….I have never been super pumped to see a movie so I have not been that disappointed. With that said, burn every copy of ‘The Village’. 

  • Jess: As soon as something gets hyped up, I’m immediately disinterested. #toocool So I haven’t seen a ton of really popular things like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Twilight, blah blah blah. You may attack now.

    1. Sash: I haven’t seen any of those either. Maybe we really are TOO COOL.

    2. Jess: Googling Marvel… You are my soulmate. 

  • Kevin: Anchorman 2 :(

  • Al: Justice League, such WASTED POTENTIAL!

  • Sasha: You need better one night stands. 

    1. Al: Fun fact; I’ve never had a 1 night stand. I’ve always had a rule that I had to know someone before sexing them up. Weird, I know.

    2. Sash: You’re so pure and innocent.

    3. Al: It was honestly so I would never catch an STD, STDs were the one thing I never wanted LOL

    4. Jack: Oh Fredo

  • Aimee: I second Marc’s answer! I was excited about Serenity, and it was very disappointing.

  • Marc: A movie came out about a year ago with Matthew Mchanocantspellhisname. It looked soooooo good, a thriller called Serenity. It had perhaps one of the worst outcomes of every movie I have ever seen. And I love movies even if they suck. I went to see Cats (I walked out but still, I went).

  • Jack: More like a fun night stand… 28 Weeks Later can be a traumatizing way for both

    1. Sash: Oh, dear



What’s your favorite go-to at-home quick-sweat workout?

  • Tony: What Al said, but with a weight vest because I want to pretend I go harder than he does. Whatever the workout, 100 hollow rock cash out!

    1. Al: …. Wow

    2. Sash: Pew, pew!

    3. Jess: You and these hollow rocks…

  • Jess: Annie is always my favorite, but that’s only because I’m decent at double unders and sit ups. Sometimes your ego needs a pump too, am I right??

  • Kevin: HIIT

  • Al: I really like 15 EMOM of 5 push-ups, 10 abmat sit-ups, 15 squats or 100 burpees for time with an EMOM of 15 air squats

  • Sasha: I have 2 that everyone thinks I’m nuts for: If there are dumbells available, “Hotel Hell” is a great sweat (100 DB thrusters for time with 5 burpees at the top of every minute. Yes it sucks but it’s a full-body sweat fest) and a good ol’ fashioned 100 burpees for time with a 7-minute cap. 

  • Aimee: I do not like to repeat workouts EVER if I can help it, so I have a veryyyy long list in my phone of travel workouts to select from when I’m traveling. I cross them off when I have completed them, and add more to the list whenever I see something peak my interest on the good old social medias.

  • Marc: I’ll be honest, if I can’t get into a gym I consider it not meant to be, and watch a movie instead.

  • Jack: Love me some Roxanne just to take the edge off or put it on


Stay tuned for round 2! Play along and answer in the comments!