Hiking the Grand Canyon: 7 Essentials to Pack

Fewer desert locations are more awe-inspiring than the Grand Canyon. Dropping out of nowhere, the thing is simply ginormous. It's an amazing place to visit, and a must-do for any active explorer. That being said, since it is so vast and sometimes dangerous, it is important to be prepared. Here are 7 things to remember to pack if you want to maximize your Grand Canyon hiking experience. 

1. Hydration Pack

The Grand Canyon can get HOT, to a dangerous level. Hydration is essential to survival, so the larger hydration pack you can have, the better. 

2. Sun Screen

It is always sunny in the desert, your hike will go much better if you are protected from the rays of the sun.

3. Cooling Cloth

These are handy little hiking tools that can make a big difference in comfort level. Bringing one of these clothes along, you can dunk it in any water you may find along the way, and wrap it around your neck, instantly cooling your body temperature.


4. Sun/Safari Hat

A large brimmed hat is a great way to provide yourself with some natural shade and keeping yourself cool. Note the trend here. It gets very, very hot in the Canyon. Heatstroke is the enemy!

5. Protein Bars/ Trail Mix

Bringing high energy snacks is a great way to keep you fueled and moving along your hike. It's not like there's an In-N-Out burger down there, so make sure you are prepared!

6. Survival Kit

There is plenty of wildlife that calls the Grand Canyon home. While instances are rare, there are certain creatures that can bite or sting you, making your day a bad one. A small survival kit is crucial for immediate first aid, in case of an emergency. 

7. A Mule

Why hike when you can ride a mule?!*

*This was a joke. Have fun on your hike, and be safe! I recommend starting just after sunrise for coolest temps and beautiful experience.*