Travel WOD 4.28.2017 "Why Am I Running?"

Traveling this weekend? Stuck at a hotel with a shitty gym and an awkward amount of weights that don't really suit your regimen? We've all been there, that's why we're writing a new travel WOD for you to arm yourself with each and every week. Courtesy of our Level Three CrossFit Coach, Larry Thomas. 

Anyway, it's all about using your body. it's actually the best tool you have when it comes to workouts, and bodyweight exercises are actually some of the best ones out there. Whether it's burpees, push-ups, sit-ups or pull-ups, you can always find something out there to benefit you - and get a good workout in. 

That being said, Coach Larry is back this week with another travel WOD named, "Why Am I Running?." Part of staying fit (especially while traveling) centers around using your body in unpredictable ways. You don't just have to run, or just do push-ups, but a surprising combination of both can really help you torch fat and burn calories, while also building muscle on the road. Keep surprising yourself, there's no limits to what you're capable of. 

walk dont run

"Why Am I Running?"

45-30-15 of:

  • Hand release push-ups

  • Sit-ups 

*400m Run after each round 

Ok, so you might be looking at that and say, that's not so bad. But think about it. That's still 90 push-ups and 90 sit ups, followed by an 800 meter run. And no matter where you are in terms of your fitness, this is a good burner. 

Repeat as needed, or double the reps for an even longer workout. Double-up and go 90-75-60-45-30-15 with six 400 meter runs in-between. That's a beast of a travel WOD if you're really feeling it. That's 315 push-ups and 315 sit-ups. 

Hot damn, that's spicy. 

Post your time to comments, and if you have a good idea for a travel WOD, let Larry know and shoot him an email here:

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