"Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth in one's lifetime." 

Quick post here, but if you want to save $250 your deposit to Greece or Oktoberfest in 2018, then see the cover page here for all the info. 

Everyone's having crazy Cyber Monday deals, and I guess you could say we didn't want to be the ones left out....haha. Just use the promo code: PROST in all caps to save $250 on your deposit to Greece or Oktoberfest only. 

Pretty sweet deal, right? Which one would you rather go to? Tap the link below to head to the trip pages, or watch the videos down below to help you decide which might be a better trip for you. 

As it is, if you're able to take advantage of these deals, DEFINITELY DO IT! Both trips we put a lot of work and effort into, and we want to get as many people traveling and seeing the world as possible. All in all, you can secure next summer's vacation for only $, we'll send you a flexible invoice to pay it off as you're able to. Pretty rad, right? 

See the deal page right here once more, and email us if you have questions, comments or concerns to:

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