Greece: Lived, Learned and Noted

What. A. Ride. The iconic and history rich locations do not disappoint! Not to mention the gorgeous summer weather, the delicious local cuisine and, of course, the famous Greek sunsets.

Here are some things I lived, learned and noted from the Greece trip.

The Acropolis

The Acropolis

Views in Oia

Views in Oia

Santorini, I love you.

Santorini, I love you.

  • This trip is drenched in amazing history and while at times it may seem overwhelming, try to absorb as much as you can. Greece is responsible for a lot of advances in world history and walking through the grounds where history happened is something very special. Take photos and learn but also take a moment to realize where you are and what you’re seeing. It’s a lot to take in!

  • Spoiler alert: It’s hot in the summer. It is super important, especially on this trip where we spend so much time outside, to stay hydrated and have a water bottle or beverage with you at all times. Luckily water bottles are super cheap in Greece mainly because they recommend drinking from the bottle more than the tap water, ESPECIALLY once you leave the mainland.

  • One word: FETA. Excuse my french but holy fucking shit it is life changing. It comes with nearly every meal and it’s so much better than what we have in the states #Obviously. We also found a lot of restaurants that offered “fried feta”, which is a GAME CHANGER. They all did it slightly differently, but it was always delicious. If you find it, order it and enjoy your new obsession.

  • On this trip we are on a lot of ferries and buses so be prepared. That means different things for each traveler: a neck pillow, killer playlists/podcasts pre-downloaded, books, games -- whatever you need while on the road. On the ferry, a fe decks of cards saved the day so if you have some, bring them! Check out our favorite games here.

  • Ouzo and Raki. You’ve seen the movies and you KNOW this was coming. Rooted deep in Greek tradition, this beverage was a normal part of our trip. It’s a liquor made from grapes and then flavored with anise. But don’t feel pressured to have it every time it is offered. Respectfully take it from the restaurant owners when they offer it and I guarantee someone at the table will help you out if you’re not able/don’t want to take the shot. Read more on the production here.

  • A quick note on Santorini: We gave our group a choice of hiking to the famous town of Oia or taking transportation straight there. Believe me, DO THE HIKE. The views and the journey are incredible and make getting to those glorious blue domes so much more worth it. It can be a challenging hike at times, but it’s nothing you can’t handle, I promise.

  • Oh, and one more thing about Oia - it is exclusively for tourists and NO locals live there. My best advice for walking around is to go into every side street, nook, and cranny that you can find and enjoy exploring this legendary town.

See you there next summer!

Check out our next Greece trip here and take a look at the photos from our Greece 2018 trip here!

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