Workout of the Week - Simple But Effective

Time for a break from Tony, that guy is a sadist. 

Since COVID started, like many other competitors in the functional fitness space, my priorities have shifted big time. I went from worrying about whether I was going to be able to hit a certain weight to generally being able to lift anything. Thanks to my very impulsive urges I’ve been training all my life, I was able to get a bunch of equipment before Rogue Fitness became a money printing company. 

Definitely done and definitely didn’t just buy 140 pounds of plates from a close friend last week. Don’t worry though, I can still at least clean a baby blue whale with a belly full of krill (*superawkwardwink@Tony*)

Despite being able to get my hands on equipment, I still can’t help but keep the workouts relatively simple because well… complicated is annoying and I am super lazy. 


*EMOM 30:

5 Push-Ups

10 V-Ups

15 Squats

*Yes, you complete all 30 reps in 1 minute.


Yeah, yeah I know; “Who gets all this equipment and then does a bodyweight workout?” Shut up Ned, and let me live my life.

If you know me, you know this is my go-to workout for 10-15 minutes except this time around, I gave it a little upgrade. I do have a confession though, I did the last 15 minutes with a #20 weight vest, and boy, let me tell you, weighted V-ups are absolutely no fun and extremely awkward.

It’s definitely a heavy breather when you aim for at least :20-:25 of rest each minute. Otherwise, you can pretty much coast through for funsies...for 30 minutes (lolz).

People who feel intimidated by this workout, scale down the reps so you have :20-:25 of rest. Bodyweight ninjas, feel free to increase the reps minimally if you feel like 5-10-15 is too easy, I’d love to know. If anyone can complete this with :30 rest each minute, you are just so fit… that’s all I got.

Go get ‘em, tiger!